Journals and Magazines published by the Sanskrit Department
- Prajñālokaḥ : (ISSN 2320 5911) Annual bi-lingual (Sanskrit-English) peer-reviewed research journal edited by the faculty members of the Department.
- Pratibhālokaḥ: Annual Sanskrit journal of the students, by the students, for the students.
- Vivekabhāskaraḥ: Quarterly wall magazine in Sanskrit for the students.
- Dīpaśikhā: (ISSN: 2583-5629) Half-yearly e-magazine in Sanskrit edited by research scholars of the department.
Books published by the Sanskrit Department
- Mokṣasādhanasūtrasaṅgrahaḥ : a book containing Nāradabhaktisūtra, śāṇḍilyabhakti-sūtra, Pātañjalayogasūtra, Vasuguptakṛtaśivasūtra, and Bādarāyaṇakṛtabrahmasūtra in the original.
- Arthasaṅgrahaḥ : a book on Indian Hermeneutics with original Sanskrit text, Bengali translation and a gloss vivṛti in Bengali.